Journalism in global crisis

Following on from my post yesterday, the issue of a journalistic crisis appears to be as much of as an ongoing story as the financial crisis.

In today’s Corriere della Sera, Marco Pratellesi, editor in chief of Corriere online, blogs about Italian journalists suffering from a cultural crisis and a rupture between generations. Apparently the same issues are rocking French newspapers too.

40 years from ’68, the revolution goes digital (or why Daniel Cohn-Bendit will be forever hip)

Danny the Red
Danny the Red



While googling for information on participating in the European Parliament (who would have guessed Zoe to be a Europhile) came across news of a petition to make the European Parliament switch its IT systems to Open Source which has atteacted the support of a hundred MEPs.

Who’s behind such a bold measure? None other than Daniel Cohn-Bendit (and, to be fair, a few other MEPs) better known, back in the day, as Danny the Red .

They’re not only are asking for a migration of the whole European Paliament computer network to Open Source software”, they also want the European Union to finance public research on this type of software.

For the petition to be adopted, more than half the members of the European Parliament should sign the document. This means the petition needs some two hundred more signatures.

Links to the petition in all languages of the member states of the European Union can be found at website of the Open Source advocacy group

Funny. One of my lines of thought last week was on the paralells between the revolution of ’68 and the current digital revolution.