Katy Perry DID kiss a girl

Stop the presses, forget the credit crunch, dismiss concerns about global warming!

The breaking news story of the day? Californian songstress Katy Perry has admitted in a candid interview with OK magazine that she, yes, really did kiss a girl and, yes, she did like it.

What on earth is the world coming to when that counts as news (or when I think it makes for a decent blog post)?

From PA:

Katy Perry has revealed she really did kiss a girl – and liked it.

The 23-year-old old Californian musician’s single I Kissed A Girl has celebrated more than five million worldwide sales.

In an interview with OK! magazine, Perry was asked if she really had kissed a girl.

She replied: “Of course. I think I was 19. I kissed a girl and it was great.”

She said it went no further and she did not write the song about that one experience or a particular person.

She said: “Growing up I had a friend who, looking back, I think I had an obsessive little crush on her.

“I never kissed her but she was very beautiful and she was like a ballerina and I wanted to copy everything she did. But I think that was kind of the extent of it.”

She said her boyfriend understood the “tongue-in-cheek” aspect of the song.


Riva Starr on Pete Tong’s BBC Radio 1 show


One of the perks of my job is that I get to sit at my computer with my headphones on. The assumption is that I’m quietly editing away packages of breaking news that come to me via the news wires.

In reality I’m actually plugged into the BBC iPlayer, YouTube, Last fm or Blip.fm (i’m delicious) listening to the latest tunes around.

One of my must have shows is Pete Tong’s Friday night dance music show that religiously welcomes me into the weekend every fortnight.

Only problem is that I’m sitting here pretending to cut packages on the Senate vote on the bail-out of the US economy when the most ridiculous track comes on. The base is so heavy I can’t help but let out a squeal of excitement.

The media managers gave me an odd look but I have to share this discovery. Check out track 11 on the mix I’ve posted above. Rockafella Starr is a sick remix of an old Fatboy Slim tune.

Riva Starr is definitely a name to watch. Details to follow on where he’s spinning next…

Nerdcore rap star – can you do the Margaret Thatcher?


So square it’s hip. Today’s Wire post has brought to my attention geeksta rapper MC Frontalot. Apparently he’s an OG in nerdcore, a musical genre that combines hip-hop tunes with geek-friendly lyrics (but of course).

Love to say I’ve spotted a trend here but the truth the ‘art form’ has been around for so long that tech-loving filmmakers have even made movies about it.

Anyway as an aspiring geek I’m more than happy to jump on the bandwagon.