Garry Lineker looking buff

Now don’t get me wrong. I do not in any way think the jug-eared former Spurs player that is Garry Lineker is in any way hot. He’s really not my type at all.

But I have to give any 48-year-old man that manages to sculpt out a rock-hard physique some credit. Take a look at these pictures in the Daily Mail – he’s obviously been staying away from those Walkers crisps!

The insider’s guide to NYC

I’m not in love with New York.

This probably makes me different from most other Londoners I know who all seem to be enthralled with the Big Smoke.

I went there about 14 years ago so guess the joys of NYC are probably wasted on a kid but it just seemed so big and noisy and intense. I much prefer Miami Beach.

But the Village Voice’s Best of New York ’08 round-up has got me considering a trip. I adore the way that they have such random categories like,  Best Brooklyn Ruin, Best Dive for Holding a Conversation and Best Floral Jewellery:

Kristen “the Flower Lady”
Spring Street between Crosby and Broadway, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Soho is a real bloomer with Kristen “the Flower Lady” around. She’s a local vendor who usually stands next to a board tacked full of real flowers, seemingly frozen in time. But make no mistake about it: These aren’t lovely bouquets you put in a vase. They’re jewelry—earrings and necklaces made from real flowers encased in resin. Her biggest sellers are Dianthus (Sweet William), hydrangea, Scaevola (fan plant), and Queen Anne’s lace. Prices range from $20 to $60 for earrings and $30 to $150 for necklaces. As long as the weather’s good, expect her to be out and about and tell her we sent you.

Off to the manor

Ooh!!! I’m so excited. Me and a big bunch of pals are off to my mate Nick’s birthday celebrations which will last the whole weekend.

The destination is Great Tangley Manor in Surrey (feels like the country but just 35m by train from Londinum). I know I shouldn’t blow my own trumpet but it’s another great find by ME.

I’m so good at finding amazing locations for events it’s ridiculous. Don’t believe me? Send me your requests and I’ll mail you some suggestions for free.

Maybe I should give up journalism and become a location scout. Anyway more to follow on this weekend’s debauchery (if I survive)!

The holidays are coming

It’s inexcusably childish to cite the fact that I’m writing about the Mediterranean as the reason for this gratuitous video post. I’ll be honest, I did it because David Gandy, the delicious dude in tighty whities, is breath-stoppingly hot. What? The Telegraph get away with posting completely unrelated pictures of hotties next to their news stories so why can’t I?

Ok so back to the point. Planning a trip with the girls to Italy later this year – and today’s Elevator Pitch from Jemima Kiss might just be the widget that takes the stress out of the planning. Wigadoo here I come!