Youtube’s beta launch of full-length content

Just recieved the following information from YouTube:

We have beta launched a section of full-length content with partners such as Lionsgate, Sony, and our own EMEA partners BBC Worldwide & Entertainment Rights.

While most of the content is geo-blocked to the US-only you can see the landing page at and

Please note that full-length content also has new ad formats for us – pre-roll, post-roll, and interstitials.

If you have content that you’d be interested in contributing for the US or UK please let me know and we can discuss further.

It’ll be interesting to see just how popular longer form videos prove to be online, both in terms of viewing figures and monetisation

M.I.A pregant? Erm..

I hope so! Otherwise chick needs take it easy on those pies – take a look at the video from her performance this weekend with Pharell and TI.

(Nice to know she’s still got her swagger going on despite the bun in the oven 😉